Ilyas Patel Accountants in Preston

Is your business growing?

Our accounting services offer individuals and companies annual accounts management, payroll, bookkeeping, and help with making tax digital. Our experts are here to help with clear, actionable guidance to make the accounting process painless.

I would recommend this accountancy firm. Very professional and attended to my enquiries promptly and with explanations. Front service desk always answer calls and transfers to the relevant department. Overall the staff are friendly, offer great advice and a pleasure to deal with.
Will Graham

Why Choose Ilyas Patel Preston Accountants for your business?

Payroll Management

Outsourcing your payroll can give you peace of mind and let you focus more time on other areas of your business.


You will always remain in control and we will contact you with any changes in your bookkeeping.

Tax Investigations

Our Tax experts are always at the end of a phone call or in person.

Making Tax Digital

We provide expert service in all aspects of payroll, including current and future regulations, using the latest techniques and software.